
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The old age problems and care of senior citizens

The dream of the people all over the world to live long is now becoming a reality due to the advancement in socio economic development and sciences, particularly medical sciences. It is estimated that there are 416 million old people (aged 60 years and above) around the globe and by 2020 world's 11.9% of population will be above 60 years. In India also the trend is same, 7.5% of the total population is above 60 years and the life expectancy is increasing gradually.

Healthy ageing is not only related to the advances in medical technology but also related to the interaction of a wide range of social factors such as maintaining and enhancing physical and cognitive functions being fully involved in the society, leading a stimulating and productive life, living in a stable social environment and having meaningful personal relationships.
The diminishing joint family system in India and the various other social factors created a boom in emergence of old age homes, especially in cities. Various surveys done in India and abroad have confirmed that most of the elderly people consider home as a place where they can derive greatest emotional satisfaction. Elder abuse is one of the subjects of frequent discussion these days, whether it is institution based or community based. Elder abuse is not merely physical instead there are mainly five categories- physical, emotional, financial, neglect and sexual.

The care givers ie, along with whom the elderly is staying in the home is indirectly or directly responsible for the abuse of elders in their home. Population ageing creates a new problem ie., a growing breed of care givers who are themselves in need of care. Hence, this author felt that it is vital to assess the existing knowledge and reinforce the same to improve the quality of life of the elderly.

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